Month One
When you hire Nicole, you will get the personal attention you deserve. She will meet with you to discuss the strengths and hurdles anticipated in your case. Together, you will determine the best course of action, and strategically, Nicole will draft a settlement Demand to your former employer along with filing a Charge of Discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Month Two
An investigation with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission begins. During this time, you will hear back from a lawyer who represents the company. An internal investigation may also occur within the company that Nicole sent the settlement Demand to. She will guide you along in every detail of the process.
Month Three
Nicole will reach out to the lawyer who represents the company to begin settlement negotiations or other means of resolving your claims. Nicole will also inquire to see if a private mediation is available, and request the most interested parties to attend.
Month Four
Nicole will manage every aspect of your case. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission may take several months. Nicole will keep you abreast of the latest developments and continue to answer questions along the way.
Month Five
Nicole will continue to revisit settlement discussions with parties, while the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission continues to investigate your Charge of Discrimination. If Nicole obtains a settlement value that makes sense for your specific claims, she will also aggressively negotiate the terms in any settlement agreement that are mutual for all sides.
Month Six
At this stage, you should know whether or not the company is interested in a private mediation. If so, Nicole will spend hours with you in preparation for this event. You determine whether or not the case settles based on long and short-term goals that you and Nicole discuss related to your claims.
Month Nine
If your case is not resolved during the Equal Employment Opportunity phase, Nicole will discuss strengths and weaknesses that transpire over this period of time. She will also discuss how a settlement may or may not benefit you depending on each new phase of your life, mitigation, and prospects of gaining new employment.
Month Twelve
At this phase, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission normally issues a “Right to Sue” Notice letter. You may then file a lawsuit in either federal or state court based on your claims. Nicole will analyze where a potential lawsuit may be filed, and whether the company requires a mandatory Arbitration provision instead.